Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cik nELLI Or Che NElle

Now it is midnight.i cannot go sleep because i already slept in the i decided to post a new story for u to read. I saw a video clips of a singer name Che Nelle. she is a malaysian singer but she is living in los angeles currently. she is known as a international artist. so every malaysian are proud of her.they dont know the real story behind this artist career. She is a kelatanese name 'che nelli'.One day when she was selling budu and kopok gete at the Kota bharu, a composer( he is on vacation visiting malaysia) heard she singing. They tought they can make her a international this is the dialogue between her and the composer:

Composer: hello miss, do u like to be a singer?
Cik Nelli: gapo mu royat tuh?kawe mano pehe
Composer:I want u to be a singer
Cik Nelli: kawe tak gie keda singer pon...
Composer: i think she dont understand

so, he try to search for a translater. he found ahmad who is a tourist guide at the kota bharu market.after that they went to cik nelli once more. after they discuss about the plan, cik nelli agree to be a singer but she have to go to america. Before she go to america, the composer ask her to change her name from cik nelli to Che Nelle.That will make her name more comersial.That is how Che Nelle get his name..